What To Expect.
A Freedom Appointment Overview.
People begin their Freedom Appointments with many different expectations. While everyone's Freedom Appointment looks different, many components are the same. You will be prayerfully led by trained Thirteenth Tribe Volunteers through seven steps. These seven steps are rooted in Scripture and cover areas that believers often struggle with such as pride, unforgiveness, idolatry, etc. These seven steps come from concepts of Freedom in Christ by Neil T. Anderson.
While everyone goes through the same seven steps, our volunteers are trained to listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit in how they can best minister to your unique life experiences. Each Freedom Appointment is as individual as you are. It is humbling to us that you might be willing to share some of your story with us and we don't take it lightly. Each Thirteenth Tribe Volunteer has been in a similar place of deciding whether to say yes or no to a Freedom Appointment. We will do our very best to provide a safe and private place for you to openly share your story.